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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Totaling Almost $1.5 Billion USD in Riviera Maya in 2023

by Zoom Playa on March 7, 2024
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Totaling Almost $1.5 Billion USD in Riviera Maya in 2023

Tourism and investment in Riviera Maya, Mexico, have reached unprecedented heights in 2023, marking a new era of growth and prosperity for the region. From Cancun to Mahahual, various towns have witnessed substantial financial inflows, with billions of dollars being poured into sectors ranging from hospitality to infrastructure. In this article, we delve into the details of this remarkable development, highlighting key investments, tourism statistics, and the potential for further growth.


The Economic Landscape of Riviera Maya
a. Setting the Stage: Overview of Quintana Roo
b. Record-Breaking Investments
c. Tourism’s Economic Impact

Major Investments and Developments
a. Infrastructure Upgrades
b. Hospitality Sector Expansion
c. Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

Riviera Maya’s Tourism Records and Growth Trends
a. Surge in Visitor Arrivals
b. Economic Boost from Tourism

Effects on Real Estate in Riviera Maya


a. Factors contributing to Quintana Roo’s record-breaking tourism numbers
b. Impact of sustainable tourism initiatives on Quintana Roo’s development
c. Sectors receiving the highest levels of investment
d. Role of foreign direct investment in Quintana Roo’s economic growth
e. Comparison of Quintana Roo’s tourism with other popular destinations in Mexico

1. The Economic Landscape of Riviera Maya

1.1 Setting the Stage: Overview of Quintana Roo

Quintana Roo, located on the eastern coast of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, is renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and rich biodiversity. Home to popular tourist destinations such as Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum, the region has long been a magnet for travelers seeking sun, sand, and adventure.

1.2 Record-Breaking Investments

In 2023, Quintana Roo witnessed an unprecedented surge in foreign direct investment (FDI), totaling more than $1.4 billion, as reported by Mexico Now. This influx of capital has primarily targeted the tourism and hospitality sectors, with major projects receiving substantial funding.

Key investments include:

  • Hospitality Sector: Major hotel chains and resorts have attracted investments exceeding $464 billion, as highlighted by Mexico Business News.
  • Infrastructure Development: Projects aimed at improving transportation and utilities have also received significant funding, enhancing the region’s accessibility and visitor experience.

The surge in investments has not only boosted economic growth but has also created thousands of jobs, driving development and innovation in Quintana Roo. Additionally, the region’s commitment to sustainability has attracted environmentally conscious investors, with eco-friendly practices becoming increasingly prevalent in new developments.

Overall, the record-breaking investments in Quintana Roo in 2023, totaling billions of dollars across various sectors, signify a new era of growth and opportunity for the region.

1.3 Tourism’s Economic Impact

The tourism industry in Quintana Roo has not only thrived but also significantly contributed to the region’s economic growth in 2023. According to Business Wire, Quintana Roo remains a top tourism destination in Latin America, welcoming over 33 million air passengers and 6 million cruise visitors throughout the year.

This influx of tourists has translated into substantial economic gains for the region. Governor Mara Lezama announced that tourism revenue in 2023 reached an astounding $21 billion, as reported by Mexico News Daily. This revenue has not only fueled economic growth but has also created numerous job opportunities, supporting livelihoods across various sectors.

Moreover, the tourism industry’s impact extends beyond revenue generation. Sustainable tourism initiatives have been instrumental in preserving Quintana Roo’s natural beauty and cultural heritage, ensuring the region’s long-term sustainability. Investments in eco-friendly resorts, conservation efforts, and community-based tourism projects have not only enhanced visitor experiences but also fostered environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Furthermore, Quintana Roo’s tourism success has been recognized internationally. According to Travel Pulse, the region broke tourism records in 2023, attracting visitors from around the globe with its pristine beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich cultural offerings. This sustained growth in tourism reaffirms Quintana Roo’s position as a premier travel destination and underscores its resilience amidst global challenges.

In summary, tourism has emerged as a key driver of economic development in Quintana Roo, generating billions of dollars in revenue, creating jobs, and promoting sustainability. With continued investments and strategic initiatives, the region is poised to sustain its growth trajectory and remain a leading tourism destination in the years to come.

2. Major Investments and Developments

2.1 Infrastructure Upgrades

Riviera Maya underwent significant infrastructure upgrades in 2023, supported by substantial investments aimed at enhancing the region’s connectivity and accessibility. According to Mexico Now, foreign direct investment (FDI) in infrastructure projects exceeded $1.4 billion, reflecting a commitment to improving the region’s transportation networks, utilities, and public facilities.

A notable portion of these investments was allocated to expanding and modernizing transportation hubs, including airports and highways. Cancun International Airport, the main gateway to the region, underwent extensive expansion projects to accommodate the growing number of tourists. Investments in Cancun and Tulum airport infrastructures and the Mayan Train totaled millions of dollars, ensuring that Quintana Roo remains easily accessible to domestic and international travelers.

Furthermore, investments were directed towards improving utilities and public facilities to meet the needs of the growing population and tourism industry. Upgrades to water and sanitation systems received significant funding, with millions of dollars allocated to ensure access to clean water and sanitation services for residents and visitors. Additionally, renovations and expansions of public facilities such as parks, beaches, and recreational areas were undertaken to enhance the overall quality of life and visitor experience in Quintana Roo.

The infrastructure upgrades in Quintana Roo in 2023 not only improve the region’s competitiveness but also stimulate economic growth and development. Construction activities associated with these projects create job opportunities and contribute to the local economy. Moreover, enhanced infrastructure enhances Riviera Maya’s appeal as a premier tourism destination, attracting more visitors and investment opportunities, thereby solidifying the region’s position as a leader in tourism and economic development in Latin America.

2.2 Hospitality Sector Expansion

In 2023, Quintana Roo experienced remarkable growth in its hospitality sector, fueled by substantial investments from both domestic and international sources. According to Mexico Business News, investments in the hospitality sector exceeded $464 billion, reflecting a strong vote of confidence in the region’s tourism potential. Major hotel chains and resort developers poured millions of dollars into expanding their presence in Quintana Roo, with projects ranging from luxury resorts to boutique hotels.

One of the notable areas of investment was in the expansion of accommodation options to meet the growing demand from tourists. Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum witnessed a surge in hotel developments, with billions of dollars allocated to the construction of new properties and the renovation of existing ones. Additionally, all-inclusive resorts and eco-friendly hotels received significant funding, catering to the diverse preferences of travelers visiting the region.

Furthermore, investments were directed towards enhancing the quality of hospitality services and amenities offered to guests in Quintana Roo. Luxury resorts invested millions in upgrading facilities, including restaurants, spas, and recreational activities, to provide unparalleled experiences to visitors. The focus on enhancing the guest experience not only attracts more tourists but also contributes to Quintana Roo’s reputation as a premier tourism destination in the Americas.

2.3 Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

In 2023, Quintana Roo witnessed a surge in sustainable tourism initiatives, driven by a growing awareness of environmental conservation and responsible travel practices. According to data from the Quintana Roo Ministry of Tourism and reports by various news outlets, investments in sustainable tourism projects exceeded $100 million. These initiatives encompass a wide range of activities, including the development of eco-friendly resorts, conservation efforts, and community-based tourism projects aimed at preserving the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.

One of the key areas of investment was in eco-friendly resort developments, with millions of dollars allocated to projects that prioritize sustainability and minimize environmental impact such as the Green School in Tulum and the SHA Wellness Center in Cancun. Luxury resorts in Tulum, such as those along the Riviera Maya, invested heavily in eco-friendly practices such as solar energy, rainwater harvesting, and waste reduction measures. Additionally, resorts in other popular destinations like Cancun and Playa del Carmen implemented green building standards and obtained certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Furthermore, Quintana Roo saw significant investments in conservation efforts aimed at protecting its diverse ecosystems and wildlife. Millions of dollars were allocated to marine conservation projects, including the preservation of coral reefs, mangroves, and sea turtle habitats. Additionally, community-based tourism initiatives received funding to support local communities and indigenous groups, promoting sustainable livelihoods while preserving cultural traditions. These investments not only contribute to the long-term sustainability of tourism in Quintana Roo but also enhance the overall visitor experience by offering authentic and immersive cultural and environmental experiences.

3. Riviera Maya’s Tourism Records and Growth Trends

3.1 Surge in Visitor Arrivals

In 2023, Quintana Roo experienced an extraordinary surge in visitor arrivals, setting new records for tourism in the region. According to data from Travel Pulse, the Quintana Roo Ministry of Tourism and reports by reputable news outlets, the region welcomed over 33 million air passengers and 6 million cruise visitors throughout the year. This influx of tourists represents a significant increase compared to previous years, highlighting Quintana Roo’s enduring appeal as a premier travel destination in the Americas.

The surge in visitor arrivals translated into substantial economic gains for Quintana Roo, with tourism revenue reaching an astounding $21 billion in 2023. Governor Mara Lezama announced this figure, emphasizing the vital role of tourism in driving economic growth and development in the region. The revenue generated from tourism has a profound impact on Quintana Roo’s economy, contributing to job creation, infrastructure development, and the overall well-being of local communities. Additionally, the record-breaking tourism numbers reaffirm Quintana Roo’s status as a preferred destination for travelers seeking sun, sand, and culture, further solidifying its position as a leading tourism hub in Latin America.

3.2 Economic Boost from Tourism

In 2023, Quintana Roo experienced a significant economic boost from its thriving tourism industry. According to data from the Quintana Roo Ministry of Tourism and reports by reputable news outlets, the region generated an impressive $21 billion in tourism revenue. This substantial influx of revenue underscores the importance of tourism as a major economic driver for Quintana Roo, contributing to job creation, infrastructure development, and the overall growth of the local economy.

The tourism revenue of $21 billion in 2023 has far-reaching effects on Quintana Roo’s economy, supporting various sectors and industries. The influx of tourists stimulates spending in accommodations, restaurants, transportation, entertainment, and retail, benefiting businesses across the region. Additionally, the economic impact extends beyond direct tourism-related activities to indirect sectors such as construction, manufacturing, and services, further fueling economic growth and development in Quintana Roo. This significant contribution of tourism revenue reinforces Quintana Roo’s position as a key player in the global tourism market and underscores its resilience amidst global challenges.

Effects on Real Estate in Riviera Maya

In the coming years, Quintana Roo is poised to experience a significant impact on real estate investments, driven by the region’s booming tourism industry and strategic development initiatives. With billions of dollars poured into infrastructure upgrades and hospitality sector expansion, as reported by Mexico Now and other reputable sources, Quintana Roo’s real estate market is expected to see continued growth and appreciation. Investors are increasingly drawn to the region’s attractive investment opportunities, including luxury residential developments, mixed-use complexes, and commercial properties, particularly in popular towns like Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum.

Furthermore, the surge in tourism arrivals, reaching over 33 million air passengers and 6 million cruise visitors in 2023, as highlighted by the Quintana Roo Ministry of Tourism and various news outlets, is expected to drive demand for accommodation options. This demand will lead to increased investment in vacation rental properties, condominiums, and beachfront villas, catering to the diverse needs of tourists and investors alike. Additionally, Quintana Roo’s reputation as a safe and attractive investment destination, coupled with its commitment to sustainability, further enhances its appeal to real estate investors seeking long-term growth and stability in their investments.

Moreover, sustainable tourism initiatives and eco-friendly resort developments, backed by millions of dollars in investments, as reported by Mexico Business News, are expected to drive demand for environmentally conscious real estate projects. Developers are increasingly incorporating green building standards, renewable energy solutions, and eco-friendly amenities to meet the growing demand for sustainable living options in Quintana Roo. As the region continues to position itself as a leader in sustainable tourism, real estate investments aligned with environmental stewardship are likely to yield attractive returns while contributing to the preservation of Quintana Roo’s natural beauty and biodiversity.


In conclusion, the surge in tourism and investments in Quintana Roo is expected to have a profound impact on the real estate market, particularly in the Riviera Maya region. With billions of dollars allocated to infrastructure upgrades, hospitality sector expansion, and sustainable tourism initiatives, as evidenced by reports from Mexico Now and other reputable sources, Riviera Maya’s real estate market is poised for substantial growth and appreciation. The region’s allure as a premier tourist destination, coupled with its commitment to sustainability, makes it an attractive investment opportunity for real estate investors seeking long-term returns.

It is crucial to start investing in Riviera Maya’s real estate market as soon as possible in 2024 before prices escalate further. With property prices in the region increasing by an average of around 9% annually, as observed in previous years, delaying investment could result in missed opportunities and higher entry costs. Investing early allows investors to capitalize on the region’s growth potential and secure favorable investment returns over time. Additionally, as Quintana Roo continues to attract more tourists and investors, demand for real estate in Riviera Maya is expected to intensify, further driving up property prices in the coming years. Therefore, seizing the opportunity to invest in Riviera Maya’s real estate market now offers the potential for significant appreciation and long-term wealth accumulation.

Talk to one of our agents or contact us to find out how you can take advantage of the investment opportunities in the Riviera Maya in the upcoming years.


1. What factors have contributed to Quintana Roo’s record-breaking tourism numbers in 2023?

Quintana Roo’s record-breaking tourism numbers in 2023 can be attributed to several factors:

  • Diverse Attractions: The region offers a wide range of attractions, including pristine beaches, ancient ruins, vibrant nightlife, and cultural experiences, catering to diverse interests and preferences.
  • Accessibility: Improved transportation infrastructure, including international airports and highways, has made Quintana Roo easily accessible to travelers from around the world.
  • Marketing Efforts: Strategic marketing campaigns promoting Quintana Roo’s unique offerings and natural beauty have raised awareness and attracted visitors seeking memorable experiences.
  • Safety and Security: Quintana Roo has prioritized safety and security measures to ensure a positive experience for tourists, fostering a sense of confidence and trust among travelers.

2. How have sustainable tourism initiatives impacted Quintana Roo’s development?

Sustainable tourism initiatives have played a crucial role in Quintana Roo’s development by:

  • Preserving Natural Resources: Conservation efforts have helped protect the region’s delicate ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangroves, and marine life, ensuring their long-term sustainability.
  • Cultural Preservation: Community-based tourism projects have empowered local communities to preserve their cultural heritage and traditions, creating opportunities for authentic cultural exchanges.
  • Economic Growth: Sustainable tourism practices have stimulated economic growth by attracting environmentally conscious travelers and supporting local businesses engaged in eco-friendly initiatives.

3. Which sectors have received the highest levels of investment in Quintana Roo?

The highest levels of investment in Quintana Roo have been directed towards:

  • Hospitality and Tourism Infrastructure: Major hotel chains, resorts, and entertainment complexes have received substantial investment to meet the growing demand for accommodation and entertainment options.
  • Infrastructure Development: Projects aimed at improving transportation networks, utilities, and public facilities have attracted significant funding to enhance the region’s accessibility and quality of life.
  • Environmental Conservation: Investments in eco-friendly initiatives, such as renewable energy projects, waste management systems, and conservation programs, reflect a commitment to sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

4. What role does foreign direct investment play in Quintana Roo’s economic growth?

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in Quintana Roo’s economic growth by:

  • Stimulating Economic Activity: FDI inflows contribute to job creation, infrastructure development, and technological advancements, driving economic growth and productivity in the region.
  • Fostering Innovation: Collaboration with foreign investors brings new ideas, expertise, and technologies to Quintana Roo, fostering innovation and competitiveness in key sectors such as tourism, hospitality, and real estate.
  • Expanding Market Access: Foreign investment opens doors to international markets, attracting tourists, businesses, and investors seeking opportunities in Quintana Roo’s thriving economy.

5. How does Quintana Roo’s tourism compare to other popular destinations in Mexico?

Quintana Roo’s tourism stands out among other popular destinations in Mexico due to its:

  • Diverse Offerings: From the vibrant nightlife of Cancun to the tranquil beauty of Tulum’s beaches, Quintana Roo offers a diverse range of attractions that appeal to travelers of all ages and interests.
  • Accessibility: With multiple international airports and well-developed transportation networks, Quintana Roo is easily accessible from major cities in the United States, Canada, and Europe, making it a top choice for international travelers.
  • Sustainability Focus: Quintana Roo’s commitment to sustainable tourism practices, coupled with its stunning natural landscapes and cultural heritage, distinguishes it as a responsible and environmentally conscious destination.
